Monday, April 8, 2013

Potato Chip Rock...Round 2!

Steve flew into San Diego on Thursday night from one of his jobs. I took a half day off of work on Friday so the two of us could hike Mt. Woodson. I'm proud to say we beat my original time. We made it up the mountain in 1 hour and 32 min (shaved about ten minutes off from the first time). I wasn't trying to go fast, I was really taking my time. I think having a hiking stick helped a lot. It definitely made the down hill easier. We had such a great time. The weather was perfect and it wasn't too crowded. It was nice to get some one on one time with him. I think Steve's initial comment about the rock was "that's it". It's definitely more impressive in pictures. He also agreed that it wasn't a dangerous hike and the rock is much bigger and thicker than it looks. So, for those of you who are freaking out, rest assure, it was perfectly safe :) I even had people applauding me for doing the hike and continuing to exercise at 6 months pregnant.

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