Monday, April 29, 2013

29 Weeks 3 Days!

How Baby Gill is Growing:
Baby Gill now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain.
How I'm Doing:
My back is continuing to get worse, which I expected, but man, 10 1/2 weeks can't come any sooner. Standing no longer seems to help it, but walking does. I try to take breaks at work where I just walk around the office, but as soon as I sit back down it starts up again. I've now resorted to using ice packs and my heat pad at work. I'm becoming quite a spectacle I'm sure. On a positive note my back is the only thing that's bothering me. I've still been exercising but I've dramatically changed my work outs. I don't lift weights too often because I find I get a shortness of breath fairly quickly. I've mostly just been walking briskly. I have a couple of friends I meet with each week to walk with. It's nice because I get to work out and catch up with them.

"Don't wake the baby"
So Justin finds it amuzing to poke my stomach until the little guy wakes up...even at 3 am. Example: Last night I went to bed before Justin. He came in at about 3am (him and Max were hanging out in the living room). Anyway, he puts his hand on my stomach and says "I want to feel him kick", so he starts poking. I said, "hey, hey now, I feel like he finally just went to sleep and hasn't been kicking me don't wake him up". Needless to say, two more pokes and the baby was up. I think Justin kept his hand on my stomach for maybe two minutes then said, "okay, I'm turning over and going to sleep". WHAT?! So now I'm laying there wide awake because the boy is doing jumping jacks and I can't get comfortable. It is slightly amuzing.

We are still looking at and researching names. We have one name we both really like, but nothing that we absolutely love. Picking a boy's name seems to be much harder than picking a girl's name, at least for us it is. We've looked at so many names that I think it's safe to say we'll probably stick with the one we both can agree on unless something else comes up.

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