Monday, April 22, 2013

Appointment with new doctor

I had my first appointment at the new doctor's office on Friday. My appointment was at 2:30 and I was told to arrive 15 minutes early. I got there 20 minutes early (like a good patient) and checked in. I wasn't called back into the room until 2:45. I was then told that the nurse wouldn't be in for another 30 - 45 minutes!! I said, "are you kidding me? This is not a very good first impression and so far you aren't looking better than Kaiser". The lady apologized and said a nurse would be in eventually. After 35 minutes the nurse finally came in. I was a bit annoyed with the wait but she was so calm and nice that I forgot about being upset. My appointment didn't feel rushed. I was able to ask a lot of questions and she answered them all very thoroughly. She made me feel much more comfortable about the delivery process. Something Kaiser was never able to do. She reviewed my weight and measured my belly. She said she'd like to see me gain more weight and I was on the lighter end (don't worry, I made up for this part this weekend). It's hard to believe I need to be gaining more weight when already I feel like I'm the size of a house...and it's only going to get worse. I reassured her I don't diet or anything, I just make sure to eat healthy.
After I met with the RN the doctor came in to introduce himself. I was told that there are 6 doctors on staff and any one of them could deliver baby Gill so I should make it a point to meet a different doctor at each appointment. It was reassuring knowing that they wanted me to meet with the different doctors so I would feel more comfortable. In the seven months I was going to Kaiser I never met a doctor or anyone other than the one midwife who most likely wouldn't even be delivering our baby anyway.
The new place also suggested I have my thryoid checked again. Apparently it's supposed to be checked every trimester to make sure it's at a normal level, especially given my history. Kaiser told me they wouldn't need to be checking it anymore. Needless to say, I had my blood drawn on Friday and am waiting for the results. All in all I'm glad I made the switch to deliver at Mary Birch. So far it's been a positive experience.

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