Wednesday, April 24, 2013

An Ode to Justin

I haven't talked too much about Justin on my blog and I haven't given him the recognition he deserves. He has truly been great throughout this whole pregnancy. I've noticed that as I get further along he becomes even more helpful, which is nice. It's fun to see him get excited about feeling our baby kick, or seeing him move. Yes, he's finally felt and seen both. I was beginning to think he was never going to feel a really good kick. Well, baby boy has been kicking up a storm and Justin's been able to feel him quite a bit. The other night he actually saw him move for the first time. It was subtle, but he still saw it. It's great being able to share these special moments together.
Last night Justin was at one of his open mic nights (stand up comedy). I stayed home to wash baby clothes, pick up the place, set up a schedule for us to get through the Bradley Method book and if there was time...relax. After I took my shower I realized it was kind of late for me to go out and get food, and I was hungry. But, I was more hungry for something sweet. I text Justin and asked if he could pick me up something on his way home. He called almost immediately and asked what I wanted. I told him it didn't matter, but that a brownie or milk shake were on the top of my list. By this time most places were closed so it didn't leave him many options. You know what my sweet husband did? He went to CVS which happened to still be open and bought stuff to make me a milk shake and he bought a betty crocker microwaveable brownie, in case I wanted both. When he got home I was in the spare room hanging up baby clothes. By the time I was done and went out to the couch he had the milk shake made and the brownie heated up sitting next to my seat. I definitely didn't need both but he went through all that trouble that I just had to eat them both ;) He does stuff like this for me often.
As you know from my past blog posts, my back has been really bothering me. Almost every night he makes sure to rub my back to make it feel better. I don't know what I'd do without him. I really do love him more each day.

This photo makes me laugh every time I see it. On Sunday were trying to figure out where to eat.  I yelled from the other room, "Hey, where do you want to go for food?" He didn't answer so I walked into the room he was in and there he was with my hair towel on his head and he says, "how about Indian". I had just taken a drink of water and pretty much spit it out everywhere. I couldn't stop laughing. He does things like this all the time. It's never a dull moment at our place.

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