Monday, April 8, 2013

Always go with your gut...

Saturday morning I woke up as the future mom of a little girl, however, I went to bed as the future mom of a little BOY! Let me recap how this all happened...

Before we had the first gender ultrasound I had a very strong feeling I was carrying a boy. I had gotten myself mentally prepared for a boy and was really looking forward to a boy. However, we went to the ultrasound appointment and asked the tech to write down the results (the full story can be read on the "reveal" post). The tech had told us he was confident in what he saw, I mean, he wrote it down in ink for crying out loud. The tech had 30 years experience and went back twice during the appointment to check the gender (I asked him to go back the second time to see if the umbilical cord was still in the way). The kind of funny thing is when we left the appointment I said to Justin, do you think he wrote down the opposite of what we are having out of spite? You know, because I asked him to check a second time? Needless to say, Justin reassured me that whatever was written down was accurate because the guy said he was confident. Well, my intuition must have been wrong because when we did the cake reveal the frosting was pink which meant we were having a girl. For 6 weeks I've been mentally preparing for a girl. I know 6 weeks doesn't sound like a long time, but when all you think about is the baby you're carrying and what your life will be like with that baby, 6 weeks is a long time. In those 6 weeks my mom and Shelley have spent endless hours and a ton of money I'm sure making things for baby girl Gill. I'm talking blankets, bibs, onesies, skirts, headbands, play mats, crocheted booties and crocheted blankets, the list goes on. They also spent four hours on Friday at the fabric district in LA buying fabric to make more things for baby girl Gill.
But even though this whole time I've been getting used to the idea of a girl, my gut kept telling me that something wasn't right and I really thought I was carrying a boy. Justin reassured me several times that the tech was confident and we are having a girl. So, for 6 weeks we discussed names and finally, after hours of researching and planning, we landed on a name.
Friday night my mom, dad, and Shelley came down to stay the night (Steve came down Thursday night). They were all there because Saturday morning was my "girl" shower and Saturday afternoon, immediately following the shower, was the 4D ultrasound. Friday night I didn't get much sleep. I was tossing and turning all night. I kept having this feeling that the ultrasound was going to reveal a boy and I just wanted that feeling to be put to rest so I could move on. Saturday morning we all got ready and headed to the shower. The details for this will be in a separate post.

After the shower we headed over to the ultrasound. After checking in and waiting our turn, we finally got to go into "the room". I asked the tech if she was able to look at gender because I've just had this strong feeling it was a boy, even though I was told we were having a girl, and I just wanted to put that feeling to rest. She said she could definitely tell us. So, I hopped up on the table, she lubed up my belly with gel and she started the ultrasound. My parents and Justin were all in the room. I sat there anxiously waiting, my heart racing and I was staring at the screen trying to decipher the images. After listening to the baby's heart beat she went in to confirm the gender. It didn't take her long to say, "well, there's his penis"...those words just rang in my ears. I thought, no way is this really happening. Did she just say that? My mom and Shelley are like, you're kidding. Are you sure? Justin says, "you're 100% sure". The lady said, "oh yes, I'm 100% sure you're having a boy". She then zoomed in on his goods and pointed out the different parts. I literally was in shock. Thankfully the ultrasound of the baby was filmed and given to us on a DVD because even though I was watching what was going on it was hard to digest.
The ultrasound experience was truly one I'll never forget. It was so cool to see our baby BOY in 3D. We got to see him drinking, playing with his feet and all sorts of things. His features were pretty defined (we think he has Justin's nose). The tech pointed out that he has very long legs (which means he'll be tall). At one point he started sucking on his toes! I thought, what are you doing little guy! You've got a thumb ;) It was all too cool and so surreal. The shock of the gender never really wore off on Saturday, for any of us.
I am happy to say I'm back to being really excited for a boy. I'm also glad that my strong gut feeling was right. I was starting to question myself there for a while. Justin said he was really excited for a boy, and my dad said although he just wanted a healthy baby, deep down he was hoping it was a boy.
So, to my future son...we couldn't be more excited to welcome you to the family. You're quite the little trickster and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us. You were loved from the very beginning, and although we thought for a few weeks you were going to be a girl, we love you just the same. I apologize for all the previous girl posts, but, it does make for a fun story. Now for a name...

Here are some pictures from the ultrasound.

Here's his precious face

His hand rubbing his eye

His foot near his face...he started sucking on it shortly after this picture was taken.

and the gender...he's definitely a boy! There was a much clearer 3D picture, but I felt that was a little too detailed and a little too personal to post.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the pics for us to see!
    It was a great day!
