Friday, April 5, 2013

Food Poisoning...

Tuesday morning I had my check up with the mid wife. Everything went great. I got to ask her some questions about the delivery process and post delivery care. I think I've made my mind up and I'll be switching to Mary Birch. I've been asking a lot of people about the two, and the consensus is, avoid Kaiser. So, Mary Birch, here I come.

Cut to Tuesday night. Justin and I went to Whole Foods for dinner. He got a salad from the salad bar and I decided to get the chickenless pot pie from the prepped foods area. Little did I know that was a big mistake. I ate about 9:30pm and at 1:15am I woke up sick as a dog. I thought something was wrong with the baby because my stomach was cramping, I felt hot and I also felt like I was going to pass out. I'll spare the other details of vomitting and such. Just know it was like water works from all ends. It was absolutely miserable. I kept getting up every hour or so to only end up back in the bathroom. Justin is so great, he stayed up with me and held my hair while I puked, got me water, lined the trash can, etc. What went on that night was real love. He's definitely seen me at my worst. Both he and I had a big day ahead of us on Wednesday. I had an all day off-site meeting and he had sweeps. We both were operating on no sleep. I'm happy to report that I'm feeling much better today.

Side note: I did call Whole Foods to let them know I got sick from their pot pie. They didn't seem too concerned but said they had pulled the dish.

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