Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bridal Shower and Baby Swap Meet

My mom and I made it through the weekend and man am I exhausted!
Our flight was delayed about 30 minutes on Friday night. Once we got to San Jose we got the rental car and started our 2 1/2 hour drive. We were so exhausted we had to stop a couple times to get coffee, go to the bathroom, grab an ice cream from McDonalds. Pretty much anything to keep us awake. We got to Paso Robles at around midnight. We stopped by my aunts for about 20 minutes and then headed to our hotel. By the time we got to bed it was well after 1am. We got up early the next morning, had breakfast at our hotel and then headed to my aunts to start preparing stuff for Alissa's Luau Bridal Shower. We rushed around most of the day to make sure everything was in place for the shower to start at 3. I'd say we all did a great job in getting everything up and running. The place looked like a luau by the time we were all done with it (I sadly don't have any pictures of the place). However, I do have a picture of the cake!!

Pictured below: Mom, Alissa (bride-to-be), me, and Aunt Juanita

It wouldn't have been a luau without the "roasted pig". Yes, my aunt had a cake made to look like a pig just for the occasion. It was the best tasting pig I've ever had ;)

Sadly we had to leave the shower early in order to make our flight. So, we got in the car and started our 2 1/2 hour car ride back to San Jose airport. Justin picked us and we were home by 11:30pm.

Sunday was the baby swap meet! We didn't get to bed until after 1am on Saturday night (technically Sunday morning) and woke up at 6am on Sunday. We were out of the apartment by 7:30 and in line by 7:50. The swap meet didn't start until 9 so we had an hour to kill and it was really cold out. Fortunately they had hot chocolate and coffee and we were standing next to some other nice ladies that we chatted with. It was a good thing we got there early because by 8:30 the line was horrendous!
Our game plan was to rush through the aisles looking for big items (high chair, dresser, crib, etc.) and then comb back through the aisles for the smaller stuff. Once we were let in we were off. I'd say we got most of the good stuff within the first hour. Items go quick! My mom did a bit better than I did. She was able to find a mini crib and mattress for her place, a high chair that matches her kitchen dining set perfectly and a crib set that I'll most likely end up using. I on the other hand found a ton of clothes, a lot of them were only $2 or $3 and looked like they'd never been worn. Some of them even had the tags on them. I also bought baby Gill a Burberry sweat suit for about $8. I also hooded bath towels for $1 (also looked new), blankets, a crib set for $10 (which I probably won't use but it had two bed skirts and two blankets included so I figured those were at least worth that much), a travel bassinet, a couple toys, and a few other items. Overall it was a great day and it was definitely worth our time. I'll include more pictures later, but for now, here's a sneak peak...

This is a small section of what the place looked like. I saw a few friends from work here also.

The sweat jacket on the left has matching pants and the outfit on the right is FAO Schwartz and has matching shoes. Most of the clothes in the closet came from the swap meet.

After the swap meet we went to lunch, ran a few errands and then headed back home to wash all of the stuff we just bought. It was another late night. We didn't get to bed until 2am and I had work the next day. Needless to say it's Wednesday and I'm still exhausted (which could also be because I start the third trimester this week and I've read I'll be just as tired as I was in the first).


  1. Looks like the little guy it all set with clothes for a few months

  2. Bridal shower and baby swap!! These shower party pictures are way too cute. We too had a lot of fun at our friend’s wedding shower. She just got married at destination Malibu wedding venues and her wedding party was also fabulous.
