Monday, February 4, 2013

Ultrasound Appointment - New Time!!

Yipee!!! My ultrasound appointment is now on Tuesday, February 19th at 9am instead of Wednesday, February 20th. That's one whole day earlier people. :) It was originally set for 6pm on the 20th and being the impatient person I am I called and had it changed to 9am. Well, when I excitedly told Justin the good news he said he wouldn't be able to make it because he has sweeps that day! He said 6pm was perfect because he would have been off work. OH NO! What did I do?!? So, because I jumped the gun I had to undo the mess. I called to see if I could change it to Tuesday the 19th and they gave me a hard time because the doctor didn't want me to go in until the 20th. The appointment nurse even agreed that was stupid (her words not mine, although I was thinking it), so being the nice person she is she went ahead and put me down for the 19th at 1:30. Then I realized it's the 18th I have off of work not the 19th and that'r right in the middle of the work day. Oh boy this is getting crazy. So I called back, talked to another nurse and got her to change it to 9am (she was unwilling but did it anyway) so I wouldn't miss too much work. So there you have it, 9am on the 19th :) Two weeks from tomorrow!

Do you think Baby Gill is a boy or a girl?

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