Monday, February 18, 2013

President's Weekend

Tomorrow it the big day! If Baby Gill isn't shy we will find out if we are having a girl or a boy!!! I've been losing sleep over it all weekend because I'm so excited. I literally feel like a kid who's been waiting months to go to Disneyland!

Today is President's Day and I was fortunate enough to not have to work. I had a three day weekend! It was very nice, and definitely needed. Saturday we drove to Mount Laguna (about 45 min. Southeast from us). Justin and I split up so he could ride his mountain bike and I could hike. It was very peaceful. It was just me, open terrain, and my headphones. I hiked/walked for two hours. I couldn't believe how quickly the time went. Justin and I met up on the trail the last mile or so and walked back together. By the time I met up with him he was soaked and his lower half was covered in mud. We didn't expect there to be snow on the mountain...and with snow comes water and mud! I fortunately stayed dry.

So I mentioned how much snow there was and of course this is the one area of the mountain that didn't have any. Go figure.

Saturday night we went to Green Flash Brewery. While there we came across the Pizza truck (Red Oven) that of course was closing up, so no pizza. However, we talked to the owner for quite a bit. Turns out he studied pizza making in Italy and every Wednesday he has his cheese shipped in from Naples! Apparently the type of pizza he makes has to be made a certain way. I forget all the details but it was enough for us to seek him out the following day at the Solana Beach Farmer's Market (more on that later).
Sunday we slept in. I went to Macy's to shop their maternity sale. Didn't have much luck, but I did get a couple things. I'm at the in between stage where my regular clothes don't fit and the maternity clothes don't fit well. I'm trying to buy things that I'll be able to wear through the whole pregnancy but that doesn't seem possible. Things either fit decently or they are too big. I absolutely hate spending money on maternity clothes because I know I'll only be able to wear them for such a short time. Justin and I then met up at the gym for a bit. We cleaned up and drove to the Solana Beach Farmer's Market to seek out the Red Oven Pizza truck. Low and behold we found it and the pizza was amazing!! It's definitely something we'll track down in the future. After that we came home and took a TWO hour nap! It felt so great. We finished up the day back at the gym. Side note: Justin has a work out program he's following and it involves two-a-days (cardio in the morning and weights at night, or vice versa). So, because I had so much energy from my nap I went with him for round two. I did weights for upper body and about 45 min. of cardio. My morning work out consisted of lower body. Today (Monday) I took the day off from working out. Justin rode the silver strand (about 24 miles) and I shopped the maternity section at Old Navy. Again, not much luck, but I did get a couple things. We attempted to go to a comedy show tonight but long story short we weren't going to be able to sit together and it had been a rough day for other reasons so we left. Instead we did our grocery shopping for the week and are back at home...where I'm wide awake anticipating tomorrow!

Update on Baby Gill - He or she has been moving around all weekend. I swear this baby doesn't sleep for long before it's moving around again...and I love every second of it. See you tomorrow baby!

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