Tuesday, February 19, 2013

20 Weeks Pregnant and The Results are in...

BUT I haven't looked yet! I know, I know. I'll make another post tonight once it's been revealed. I'm unfortunately not going to be able to skype people in as I hoped, but I will film it and post it to my blog. Here's how my doctor's appointment went down...

I thought my appointment was at 9:20 so we got there at 9:15 to check in. However, it turns out my appointment was actually at 9am and in Radiology, not OB. The Kaiser Zion hospital is huge and we were on the opposite end of where we needed to be! It took us 5 min. to walk very quickly over to radiology. By this point I'm on the verge of tears because I just know they are going to tell me to reschedule since I'm so late. After impatiently waiting for the woman in front of me to check in I explained to the lady what had happened (my fault, confused start times). She was really nice and said not to worry, that things like that happen. She told us to have a seat and they'd get to me when they could, but it could be a while if they just called the next patient. I figured I was going to have to wait at least an hour (with a full bladder) before they called me back. Fortunately they called me back just about as soon as I sat down. The technician started the ultrasound and informed me I didn't have enough water in my bladder just yet so we may have to wait a few more minutes! Ahhh. He went about his business doing the best he could until things filled up. He was able to get measurements of everything he needed. I informed him that we wanted to know the gender, but we didn't want him to tell us. Instead, could he write it down on a piece of paper and give it to us at the end. When it came time to reveal the gender he had us look away. He said the umbilical cord was in the way but he "thinks" he saw enough to determine the gender. I said, "you think". He said sometimes they are wrong, but he was pretty sure he had it down right. So, while we are supposed to be looking away Justin took a little sneak peak! By the end of the ultrasound my bladder was at full capacity and I thought I was going to pee my pants. He informed us that baby Gill's head was in a downward position and hard to get to and it was important he got the measurements. So, that led to him pushing on my uterus and bladder area with his hand and doppler to try and get the baby to switch positions. I wasn't sure if I was going to pee or cry from the pain of having to hold it. After about 10 minutes he was able to get what he needed. He also informed me that I'm actually 20 Weeks! not 19 weeks. My due date is July 9, 2013 (which is what I figured from the very beginning based on my menstrual cycle - TMI? Sorry). Okay, so let's cut to how we are going to reveal the results.

When I was 21 I worked with a girl who was pregnant. She revealed the gender by having the technician write it down on a piece of paper and took it to the bakery to have them make a cake. This isn't just any ordinary cake. The outside is gender neutral while the inside filling reveals the gender (pink if it's a girl, blue if it's a boy). She then had her family over and they cut the cake together. When she told me this is how she did it I knew that that's how I wanted to reveal the gender whenever I got pregnant. That was about 7 years ago. I'm a bit disappointed to see it on Pinterest, meaning, other people have done it. However, I don't personally know anyone else, besides the girl I worked with, who did it that way.

After my appointment this morning I dropped Justin off at home and headed to the bakery. I met with Enrique, the baker at Ralphs who also doesn't speak very good English. I explained to him as best I could what exactly it was I wanted. After going round and round about not wanting the outside of the cake to reveal the gender I told him I was going to show him the picture with the gender written on the back. This will tell him if it's a boy or girl and what color to do the frosting. He looked very confused when I gave him the picture and he called another girl over to help him. I walked away so I wouldn't hear what they were saying. After a couple minutes I looked over my shoulder to find out what was taking so long and saw they were looking at the pictures. What the heck!! Hurry it up already! The writing isn't on the front. Anyway, as I glanced over I swear I saw her mouth the word boy and then walk away!!! NOOOO!! I didn't want to find out that way. Anyway, she could have said "boy, you have your hands full" (he only had two hours to make the cake before his shift was over). We'll see what the actual results are. I've thought it was a boy this whole time so who knows.  Anyway, I pick the cake up at 5:30 tonight. Once I get home we'll call my parents via FaceTime on our phones and cut the cake, that way they can be a part of it too. It's hard with them being so far away. I don't want them to feel like they are missing out on things. I unfortunately don't have any ultrasound pictures to post. The ones they gave us weren't very clear because of the baby's position.

20 Week update!
Okay, so I went to sleep thinking that when I woke up the next morning (today) I'd be 19 weeks. However, when I went to my appointment I found out I was actually 20 weeks. That was fun! I gained a whole week in a matter of hours ;) This means I'm halfway done! I'm also glad to see I've only gained 7 pounds. My weekly update says it's normal to have gained 10 pounds by this point so I feel like I'm on track and I'm not overdoing it with the pizza and other fun food.

How Baby Gill is growing:

My baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He or she is also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he or she is measured from head to toe.)
He or she is swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his or her digestive system. He or she is also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his or her bowels, and you'll see it in his or her first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).

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