Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Visit with mom!

These past few days flew by. Mom came down around noon on Thursday. She met me at the nail salon where I was getting a pedicure (getting ready for D-day). Once I finished up we headed over to Seasons 52 for lunch. We just love the fish tacos there. By the time we were done with lunch it was late afternoon and we were both exhausted so we went back to my apartment and took a little nap. We hung out at my place with Justin the rest of the evening. I made meatloaf for dinner and we just relaxed and watched T.V. We needed a relaxing day to kick off the next few days. Mom left our place around 10 to head to her hotel to check in. Unfortunately we don't have room for overnight guests anymore so she stayed at a hotel in hotel circle, about 10 miles from our place.

Friday morning I met her at her hotel. We had breakfast at Corner Bakery in Mission Valley. She had never been to a Corner Bakery, so it was something new for her. After breakfast we went to Target and Bed Bath and Beyond so I could grab some last minute things and return some things as well. Once we got the errands out of the way we headed over to the Mission Valley mall where we spent a better part of our time inside Macys. We finished up shopping at a decent time and went over to Croutons in UTC for lunch. After lunch we stopped at the grocery store and then headed back to my place to meet Justin so we could go to the beach.
We got to Pacific Beach around 5. Justin went body surfing while I read my "What To Expect When You're Expecting" book and mom worked on her blanket she's been crocheting for our baby boy.



After the beach we went back to our apartment and Justin made us dinner. That night I went back to the hotel and stayed with my mom. I would've stayed there every night but the bed really bothered my back, so I only made it through one night.

Saturday we had breakfast at her hotel. I had brought stuff to make us oatmeal. We then headed over to Fashion Valley Mall where we spent a better part of the day. It was so nice just to get out and walk around. While at the mall we stopped in at my favorite tea shop, Teavana. They were having a sale so we stocked up on some of our favorite tea so we could make it at home. Genius!! After we finished up at Fashion Valley we headed over to the UTC mall where we had lunch at Tender Greens. After filling up on delicious salads and tomato basil soup, we went over to Babie's R' Us to get some last minute items for the little guy. By this time we were wiped out so we went back to my place for dinner.

Sunday was our last full day together and we wanted it to be relaxing. After all, we did hit three malls in a matter of two days. Mom came over around 10am and we made breakfast. She helped me organize the little nursery area so it's more functional. We eventually made our way out to the pool where we sipped on our tea we got from the day before and read and crocheted (I read, she crocheted).



After being at the pool for a while Justin was ready to do his bike ride on the silver strand. He starts in downtown San Diego and ends in Coronado. I usually drop him off and then pick him up. So, that's just what we did. We dropped him off in downtown San Diego and my mom and I went over to DSW (the best shoe place) to find some flat shoes. I figure my high heel days may be over for a little bit. After DSW we drove over to Coronado to meet Justin. It was such a lovely day and the weather was wonderful. We decided to grab drinks and sit outside at the Hotel Del to enjoy the view.

After leaving the Hotel Del we dropped Justin off at the Mad House Comedy Club so he could watch some of his friends perform. While he was there my mom and I had dinner at Filippis (my favorite Italian restaurant). We had a problem finding someone to take a good picture, so this is what we ended up with. It's hard to see the background details of the place.

After dinner we picked up Justin, drove back to our place, and mom headed back to her hotel.

Monday was our last morning together. I had a doctor's appointment that morning, so I went there first and then met her at her hotel. The doctor's visit was completely uneventful. The doc was in and out of the room in 3 minutes (literally).
Once mom was packed up we went over to Corner Bakery for breakfast. It seemed fitting since that was the place we had breakfast our first morning together.

After finishing up breakfast we went to Fashion Valley so she could pick up some lotion she had on hold at Bath and Body Works. Of course we couldn't just go to Bath and Body Works. We also stopped in at Macys (can you tell we kind of like that place). Mom had to get on the road so we quickly finished up at the mall, I took her back to her hotel so she could get her car and then she followed me to Sharp Mary Birch where I'll be having the baby. She wanted to see where exactly the place was so it will be easier to find when it's show time.

Those four days flew by. I am so grateful I was able to have that time with my mom before everything changes. I am also so blessed to have such a wonderful and caring mom. We always have so much fun and get along so well together. I love you mama.

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