Saturday, June 1, 2013

34 Weeks!

How Our Baby Is Growing:
Our baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (about the size of a cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. His fat layers — which will help regulate his body temperature once he's born — are filling his out, making him rounder. His skin is also smoother than ever. His central nervous system is maturing and his lungs are continuing to mature as well.

How I'm feeling:
Tired and ready for the little guy to join us in the real world. Getting up every two hours to pee is getting more than annoying and uncomfortable. Getting out of bed is just not the same as it once was. I did get some new jammies, totally off topic, but I'm pretty excited about it. I've been wearing Justin's t-shirts around and there is nothing attractive about that. I actually feel like a girl now. :)

WHAT?! 23 Pounds!!
My friend Nicole says this is all completely normal and it's probably mostly water weight. I'm thinking it could also be pizza and cake :/ No, but really, I haven't been doing anything different than I was before, except exercising less. My back has been giving me too much pain to feel like getting out and getting exercise. I do still watch what I eat (as it goes into my mouth - kidding). But for some reason the scale is going up more than one pound a week. My doctor made a comment about that the last time I saw her. I felt like saying, well, at the last appointment you told me to gain weight and now you're telling me to slow down. I'm not sure what to do except to not worry about it. I keep track of everything I eat and try not to exceed a certain amount of calories a day. This is nothing new from what I've been doing throughout this whole pregnancy. I'd like to think maybe it's just our little guy packing on the pounds ;)


We got to stay home this weekend! Saturday we ran errands and did stuff around our apartment. It was so nice to not have anywhere to be.
Sunday Justin ran the Camp Pendleton 10K Mud Run. We left the apartment at 6:30AM!, parked on base, then took a bus with the rest of the runners to the site. Justin's wave started at 9:17am. Needless to say, we had plenty of time to kill. I saw Justin off at the starting area and then took a nap on the grass for about 30 minutes (It was really weird to be at a race and not participate). I was up just in time to get over to the mud pits and have the camera set up to take pictures of him crawling through. I also captured photos of him at the finish line. I was so so proud of him. He ran the race in 1 hour and 20 minutes. The furthest he's been running lately is 3 miles and this was a 6.1 mile race. Needless to say, he really outdid himself :)

                                       BEFORE                                                                 AFTER

After the run we went home, changed and headed off to the Cinepolis in Del Mar to see...Star Trek! If your aren't familiar with Cinepolis theaters you should seek one out and go. They are pretty swanky and especially comfy for pregnant women. Each person gets their own reserved reclining leather chair and service button. Yep, that's right. There's a waiter who will come to your seat at the touch of a button to get you popcorn, drinks, entrees, and whatever else it is your little heart desires. You select and reserve your seats ahead of time so there's no rushed feeling to hurry up and find a place to sit. The other nice thing is there's only about 50 or so chairs per theater, so you definitely get your own space. Each person also has their own little table to put their goodies on. As if all that isn't enough they also have 21+ theaters where you can buy alcohol. What this also means is there aren't any screaming kids in the theater. We had a wonderful time. Later that night we ordered pizza from round table and hung out in Justin's office just chatting and sharing "remember when" stories. It was a great day! Monday will start a new chapter for Justin. It's back to healthy eating, no drinking, and preparing for summiting Mount Whitney in August of this year. I'm bummed I won't be able to do the hike with him, but I'm looking forward to the home cooked meals and everything else that I'll get to participate in during his preparation.

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