Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Pampering myself

Today was just for me...
I got up this morning and went to the gym. I did 25 minutes on the elliptical and really light weights for bicep curls. After the gym I went home, showered, had breakfast and got myself ready. I dropped my ring off at Jared's Galleria of Jewelry to have it serviced and dipped. It looks brand new again!
While my ring was being serviced I went and got my hair cut. I was a little ambitious and had her cut 5 inches off!!! It feels so short! My hair has been growing so fast so I'm sure it will be fine. It does feel better to have quite a bit chopped off.

Pictures are a little blurry, but you get the idea...


After my hair cut I picked up my ring and went to Target to get supplies to clean the inside of my car. After giving it a quick wipe down I drove it through a car wash. It feels nice to have a clean car.
I then went home, cleaned the inside of the oven and then laid down for about 15 minutes (the nesting has kicked in). Next thing I knew it was time for my massage! I must say, the massages Justin gives me are better than the one I got tonight. They aren't aloud to apply very much pressure because I'm pregnant so it felt more like a light back rub than a back massage. A bit disappointing but I'm glad I went.
After my massage I came back home, made some dinner, and then organized our room so the baby's bassinet fit better. I also showered and restyled my hair. It's been a long day, but I got to do everything I wanted to do. I'm exhausted and my back is pretty sore, but overall it was a good day. I'm looking forward to the rest of this week as well. Tomorrow I get to hang out with Chasidy all day and Thursday my mom is coming down for a few days. I'll be taking it easy these next few days.

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