Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Day With Chas

Chasidy and I had such a splendid day together. Our day started at 8:30 this morning. I picked her up at her hotel and we went and had breakfast at The Mission! It was so nice going on a weekday. Usually when we go (it's been a long time) we go on weekends and end up waiting at least 45 minutes to be seated. Today Chasidy and I walked right in! We shared their delicious french toast and their strawberry granola pancakes.
Cinnamon French Toast

Strawberry Granola Pancakes

After breakfast we went for a 2 1/2 mile walk on the beach in Pacific Beach to walk off some of that food. Side note, we did not eat it all. It was way too much food, even for a pregnant gal. It was nice to not have an agenda and be able to just saunter along.

There was a bit of a breeze
That belly sure is getting out there!

After our walk on the beach we decided to go peruse Bed, Bath and Beyond and Nordstrom's Rack. Once we had our fill of retail therapy we headed over to the UTC mall to have lunch at Tender Greens. Again, another delicious meal!

After lunch we stopped in to Anthropologie where Chas got her dress for her rehearsal dinner and I got knobs for our boy's dresser. We made a quick stop by my apartment to say hi to Justin, put the knobs on the dresser and just relax for a few. Sadly our day together came to an end and it was time to get her back to her hotel. We did however make time for a quick pit stop by Golden Spoon. It was such a wonderful day. I was wiped out by the end. I ended up coming back home and taking a nap.

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