Monday, June 10, 2013

35 Weeks 3 Days! and Justin the comedian...

Ladies and gentleman we are nearing the end! This is also my last week of work for a few months. I thought maybe I'd be able to ride it out a little longer with being able to work from home, but my back just makes it miserable. I have a lot of things planned in the next few weeks, as far as getting stuff ready for our little guy. I still need to pack my hospital bag, do his laundry, have Justin install the car seat, schedule a prenatal massage, get a hair cut (who knows when I'll be able to get one again) and the list goes on...most of which includes a lot of reading, so I'll be spending a lot of time relaxing, which is the whole point of taking some time off.
This upcoming weekend is father's day weekend. My dad, Shelley, Brian and Jared will be coming down to San Diego for the weekend and staying at an RV park. Sadly our place no longer has room for overnight guests. My mom and Steve are currently in Israel and won't be able to join us this weekend. My parents (both sets) have been great. They know we are no longer traveling anywhere so they are more than willing to come to us, even if it means paying for a place to stay. I feel awful having them do that but we really don't have any other options.
We have transformed the dining room into the baby area and moved the dining room table and chairs into Justin's office (he's thrilled about that). The good news is the baby stuff doesn't feel so cramped.
View from front door

View from living room

Dining room area - AKA baby's pad

It's not ideal, but it could be worse. We only have to do this for a few months and it least it feels like there's some organization to it.
How our baby is growing:
Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (about the size of a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
I really wonder how much bigger my stomach can get. I feel like it can't stretch anymore. I think Justin wonders too. He's been quite the comedian these past couple weeks. He's taken up calling me "tubs" which I find hilarous (fortunately). I now grunt and make all kinds of noises when getting up from sitting down, getting out of bed, getting out the car, etc. He always helps me up but it's usually preceded by, "come on tubs, let's get you up". Some might find it sad, I find it hilarious, and you have to be able to laugh at yourself. Some times he makes me laugh so hard I feel like I'm going to fall over...or pee.  
Last night for example, we were sitting on the couch and he was talking about stuff he wants to get for his Mount Whitney hike (he's planning to hike it in August but will be training for it before then). He said, hey, do you still have money left on Amazon (he's referring to the money for baby stuff, you know, gift cards that people got us specifically for the baby!).
I said yes, but I still have more items I need to order before the baby gets here and it will be used for that.
His reply, "I've only gotten one thing from this whole baby thing...mangria" (Mangria is an alcoholic beverage that his friend brought to the shower for him). "...and you've gotten a lot of things".
I looked at him confused and said, "huh".
He said, "yeah, you got new clothes (maternity), lotions, creams, jammies..." at this point I was laughing so hard I didn't even know how to respond. Finally I said, "I hope you are joking. Really, you're jealous that I got maternity clothes because my a** is getting bigger, lotions to prevent stretch marks, and pjs because mine no longer fit". He just looked at me. Can you tell he's an only child?!
Yes, this is the man I married, the man I love and adore, and the father of our future son. Some of the things he says makes me scratch my head, but mostly they just make me laugh.

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