Friday, March 15, 2013

Quick update

I JUST SAW MY STOMACH MOVE!!! No, like literally. I was sitting at my desk working away (still am) and I noticed baby Gill was moving around quite a bit, but they were big movements. I looked down and saw these thump like movements coming from within! Really cool and really weird all at the same time. When I really take time to think about it I find it hard to fathom that there's a human being growing inside of me! Seeing the movements on the outside was a whole new experience. I wish Justin was here to see it.


  1. Anonymous3/16/2013

    Child birth is the most common of God's miracles. Overlooked by most of us mere mortals as a natural occurrence, make no mistake about it ... it is a supernatural miracle! Children are a gift from God!

    Grandpa to be Steve

  2. I LOVE Steve's comment, it's sooo true. I'm so happy for you!
