Monday, May 27, 2013

Ryan and Corie Hess's Wedding

Saturday, May 25th, Ryan and Corie got married!! It was a beautiful beach wedding.

Friday night Justin and I drove to Ventura where the wedding was to take place. We slept in the motorhome both Friday and Saturday night. The drive up wasn't as bad on my back as I thought it was going to be, but boy oh boy by Saturday it was shot.
We got into Ventura around midnight on Friday, and Brian got in around 1am Saturday morning. Brian and I stayed up until 2 chatting because neither one of us were tired. I've had pregnancy insomnia lately so sleeping has been an issue. Saturday we all slept in and then eventually made our way to main street to get lunch. After lunch we headed back to the motorhome and got ready for the wedding.

Steve was their efficient. He did a wonderful job!
Justin having a father/son moment at the reception. I believe he was telling him to "come on out".

Phil and Dorris (Ryan's parents) and Mom and Steve

The lovely bride and groom!

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Ryan and Corie Hess!!

Saturday night after the wedding the seven of us (Steve, mom, Brian, Jared, Kelsie, me and Justin) went back to the motorhome. That many people sleeping in such close quarters made for an interesting evening...of no sleep. Fortunately that was the last weekend we'll be traveling until after baby Gill is born. For the next few weeks we will be home bound. Sunday we all took our time getting up and heading back home. We made several stops along the way to break up the drive and to give my back a break. Happy Memorial weekend everyone!

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