Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Another great weekend

This weekend Jessica and Steve came down. More specifically they came down Saturday afternoon and went home Sunday morning. We always have such a great time with them and don't get to see them often enough. They met us in San Marcos on their way down to pick up a changing table/dresser that a friend from work gave us. We went and had a late lunch at Brew Garden and Kabobs in Pacific Beach. It has a nice view of the ocean and the food is pretty tasty. We came back to our place and played cards, hung out, and then went to Filippi's in Little Italy for dinner. Saturday came and went so quickly. By Sunday morning they were gone before we were up, yet the apartment was spotless (thank you Jessica and Steve), you'd never know they were here.

I had my doctor's appointment on Monday. I told the doctor about my back pain and how bad it's gotten. It makes me so cranky that I find myself having little patience and getting irritated fairly easy. I told her we were able to work from home on Friday (our office was closed due to construction) and how nice it was being able to sit in different positions when the pain started to get really bad. I left the appointment with a doctor's note to work from home. Yesterday, Tuesday, was my first day at home and I was able to go most of the day without my back hurting. I was also able to get a lot more work done because there aren't any distractions. I didn't think I could take one more person walking by my desk asking how my back was doing. I know they all have good intentions, but when asked about 15 times a day it's just a constant reminder that the pain is still there and it's not going anywhere.

Max came down yesterday for the Padres/Marlins game. I dropped Justin and Max off in downtown last night and picked them up after the game was over. I'm pretty sure they had a good time. They don't get to see each other too often so it's nice when Max is able to come down. He left this morning as the last overnight guest of the Gill residence (meaning we have moved the changing table/dresser into the office and there is no longer room for an air mattress). I was able to get some of our little guy's stuff put into the dresser which made more room in the closet. Some of those things included his Green Bay Packer's beanies and booties (your welcome dad and Brian).

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