Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ultrasound Photos

7 Weeks 3 days:

It may just look like a blob, but that's our baby and our baby has a heart beat! We got to see it at our first appointment. Yes, see it, not hear it, but see it. It was absolutely incredible.

13 Weeks 2 days:

This time it actually looked like a baby!! I can't describe how amazing this experience was. It may be hard to make out the different features. I can spot them right off because I was at the appointment (obviously) and got to stare at the baby for about 15 minutes while he/she performed water aerobics :) I did my best in trying to point out what's what. Warning - the first photo is a bit frightening as it looks kind of like an alien gummy bear.

Picture 1:

Picture 2:


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