Wednesday, January 30, 2013

February Doctor's Appointments

My upcoming doctor's appointments are scheduled for:

Tuesday, February 5th: 17 week check up

Wednesday, February 20th: Ultrasound - we'll get to find out if it's a GIRL or a BOY!!
This is the appointment I've been so excited for I can hardly stand it. I literally feel like a 5 year old who was told she was going to Disneyland...but I have to wait a few weeks. What?! Who does that to a person! Kidding. Anyway, I can't wait to find out what we are having. Not that it makes a difference, I'm just curious. We actually don't have a preference on what gender the baby is. We want both equally.
I plan to not have the doctor tell us in the appointment. I'd like for her to write it down on a piece of paper and I'll find a special way to reveal it (I already have an idea in mind). I would like for Justin and I to be able to record us finding out as well as share the experience with family and friends at the same time. This can be accomplished through skype and face time :)
I've been tempted to pay out of pocket ($50) for a 3-D ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby sooner. Justin told me to be patient and wait, and save our money. He's always so logical. :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2/02/2013

    How fun- we all get to find out together!!! Great idea.
    Love, Mom
