Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Pirate Ship has arrived!!

I recently signed up for a webiste called Zulily (thank you Shawna), and everyday they have different deals. Think of living social or groupon only they carry products, not vouchers. They have stuff for adults, kids, home, yard, etc. and the prices are pretty much always fantastic. Anyway, this one particular day I logged on and much to my surprise I found the cutest rocking toys I've ever seen and they were 50% off! I literally could not stop looking at them...and telling everyone about them. After narrowing it down to a few I called my mom, mostly to have her talk me out of buying one, but secretly I wanted her to tell me it was a good idea. She agreed that they were so cute and the baby needed one. I absolutely loved the pirate ship. I mean it plays 4 songs, has a toy chest, 2 stuffed pirates and the cover comes off so it can be washed. I also needed something gender neutral since I don't know what we are having yet and the deal was only going to last two days! I did some research online to make sure I was getting the best price possible and to be sure these rockers had good reviews. After all, this ship wasn't super cheap. I had to make sure I was getting my money's worth. I finally hit "buy now" and then impatiently waited for about two weeks for my (I mean baby Gill's) pirate ship to arrive. Well, today was the big day! Here are some photos...

Side View - by the way, my pictures don't do it justice. It's so much cuter in person.

Back View (pirates in chest)

You know me...I couldn't wait to test it out ;)

Stock photo:
Rockabye 85034 Ahoy Doggie Pirate Ship Rocker


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

February Doctor's Appointments

My upcoming doctor's appointments are scheduled for:

Tuesday, February 5th: 17 week check up

Wednesday, February 20th: Ultrasound - we'll get to find out if it's a GIRL or a BOY!!
This is the appointment I've been so excited for I can hardly stand it. I literally feel like a 5 year old who was told she was going to Disneyland...but I have to wait a few weeks. What?! Who does that to a person! Kidding. Anyway, I can't wait to find out what we are having. Not that it makes a difference, I'm just curious. We actually don't have a preference on what gender the baby is. We want both equally.
I plan to not have the doctor tell us in the appointment. I'd like for her to write it down on a piece of paper and I'll find a special way to reveal it (I already have an idea in mind). I would like for Justin and I to be able to record us finding out as well as share the experience with family and friends at the same time. This can be accomplished through skype and face time :)
I've been tempted to pay out of pocket ($50) for a 3-D ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby sooner. Justin told me to be patient and wait, and save our money. He's always so logical. :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

16 Weeks!

Photo: 16 Weeks 3 Days

16 week update: I've still only gained 4 pounds. I'm not bragging, I'm actually slightly disappointed. I was told I would start gaining an additional pound a week once I hit the second trimester. The only thing I can think of on why I'm not gaining weight is I'm losing muscle mass, which is why I'm disappointed. My hips and stomach have grown a bit so I know there are definitely other changes going on. Most of my pants also don't fit so it's not like I'm hanging out in my old body. It might sound crazy but I can't wait for my stomach to poke out so people can actually tell I'm pregnant, and not just getting fat ;)
I went to Kaiser this morning to have my blood drawn for the second trimester screening. They check for:
  • open neural tube defects (ONTD) such as spina bifida
  • Down syndrome
  • other chromosomal abnormalities
  • defects in the abdominal wall of the fetus
  • twins - more than one fetus is making the protein (I know we are only having one).
  • a miscalculated due date, as the levels vary throughout pregnancy
  • hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (a hormone produced by the placenta)
  • estriol - a hormone produced by the placenta
  • inhibin - a hormone produced by the placenta

  • I pray every day that this baby will be strong and healthy. I try very hard not to worry about any of the above as I know this is all in God's hands.

    How my baby's growing:
    Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, my baby will double his weight and add inches to his length. Right now, he's about the size of an avocado 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His/her legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of his scalp has begun, though his locks aren't recognizable yet. He's even started growing toenails. And there's a lot happening inside as well. For example, his heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop.

    Weekly Pictures!

    I started taking weekly pictures at 14 weeks. In retrospect I probably should have started this sooner.

    14 Weeks!

     15 Weeks!

    Ultrasound Photos

    7 Weeks 3 days:

    It may just look like a blob, but that's our baby and our baby has a heart beat! We got to see it at our first appointment. Yes, see it, not hear it, but see it. It was absolutely incredible.

    13 Weeks 2 days:

    This time it actually looked like a baby!! I can't describe how amazing this experience was. It may be hard to make out the different features. I can spot them right off because I was at the appointment (obviously) and got to stare at the baby for about 15 minutes while he/she performed water aerobics :) I did my best in trying to point out what's what. Warning - the first photo is a bit frightening as it looks kind of like an alien gummy bear.

    Picture 1:

    Picture 2:



    I am 16 weeks today and decided to create a blog to keep family and friends updated. I do a video blog once a week, but it's a little more personal and I don't want to share it on the internet. Some of my family and friends have been asking about updates and I've been hesitant to put too many of them on facebook because I don't want to annoy anyone with "baby overload". I have learned it can be a very sensitive subject for some and would like to be respectful.

    Coming up with the name for the blog...
    I wanted it to be something light hearted and funny. Justin and I were brain storming on different ideas and nothing was tickling my fancy. One of my thoughts was "I'm not fat, I'm pregnant", but that wasn't going over too well. I told Justin I wanted something that had to do with my body, after all, this little guy or gal is taking up residence. He suggested something roommate/renter related. I thought, Perfect!! Wombmate! You know, like roommate? I mean he/she is taking up residence in my personal space and using my resources. I'm definitely not complaining, just thought it was a humorous comparison. Overall, this pregnancy has been nothing but easy so I really don't have any complaints. I'm very much looking forward to meeting our little guy or gal. :)

    How this pregnancy came about (besides the obvious):
    January of last year (2012) Justin and I had said we would start "trying" for kids at the end of 2012. We casually talked about it on and off in the following months and really started talking about it at the end of summer. In September we realized that there really is "no right time" to start a family (just as everyone has told us all along) so now is as good of time as any. We figured we would start getting used to the idea and come October we wouldn't be as "safe" anymore. Well, by Halloween I was pregnant! Here's how I found out...

    We went to a Halloween party on Saturday, October 27th. Sunday morning I didn't feel well. I wasn't throwing up, I just felt really weak and tired. This lasted through Monday. Monday night Justin was leaving to head to his dad's for a couple days. He had to work out in Riverside throughout the week so it made sense for him to stay closer to work. Before he left we were laying on the couch and out of nowhere he asks, "are you pregnant". I honestly didn't think I was so I said, "No, what makes you ask that". He said, "nothing, I was just messing around". Well after he left I started to give it more thought and figured it was definitely a possiblilty. I went to CVS and picked up a pregnancy test. I knew I wasn't supposed to start my period for a few days, but the tests are so dang accurate nowadays that I figured why not just check. I took the test and two lines popped up (signifying pregnant). However, the second line was so light that I had to hold it up and carefully examine it under the light in order to see anything. I decided I'd wait a couple more days, after all this could be a fluke. Wednesday morning, Halloween, I decided to take a second test. Justin wasn't coming home until that night and this is definitely something I'd want to tell him in person, not over the phone. I took the test and the two lines were darker than ever. I had a positive read. I contemplated all day on how I was going to tell him. He's been doing a lot of stand up comedy and every month he makes a youtube video recapping the month so I knew I wanted to do something that would fit into his style. I decided to make a short video (not revealing until the end of course that I was pregnant).
    He came home really late and I asked him to watch my video. That I had made an October video since he hadn't made his yet. He sat down to watch it and was laughing on and off until it got to the end. I told him that I took a test and it came back positive. He was no longer laughing. He looked over at me and said, "Is this true"? I said, "yep" and that was pretty much it. Well, not everything. I asked him if he needed some time to process this and he said no, he was fine. I went to bed shortly after. The next morning I woke to find he had fallen asleep on the couch. There was an empty bottle of wine next to him and he was snoring up a storm. I just giggled to myself. I went to walk out the front door after kissing him goodbye and saw there was a full page typed note taped to the door. It was really sweet. The gist of it was, we are in this together and everything will be just fine. He'll be there to help 50/50 and this is a team effort.