Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Emmett William Gill has arrived!!

Fair warning, this is the complete birth story, no details will be spared, so only read if you want the nitty gritty. Otherwise, here's the edited version: Woke up, went to the hospital a couple hours later, got an epidural and he was born at 6:11pm. Labor lasted about 6 hours total. It was extremely painful (until I got the epidural). The end. Continue reading for the "real" stuff.

Sunday morning, July 7th, I woke up around 10:45am. I felt totally fine. No contractions, no nothing. However, I went to the bathroom and noticed a little bit of blood. After a quick google search seeing bright red blood is not usually a good sign and it's recommended you contact your practitioner. So, I called Mary Birch Triage center. They told me that as long as it was a little bit of blood, and not more than a period things are fine. They said I was probably having mild contractions through the night and it's just my cervix dilating. This could continue for a couple days or they could see me later that day if things progressed. We were still in the unknown. I decided to take a shower and get myself ready in case things picked up. At this point I had been going to the bathroom nonstop. Not pee either, if you catch my drift (actually you didn't want to catch that drift). I thought it was just a repeat from a few days prior when I couldn't stop going to the bathroom for about 5 days. After I got ready my stomach started cramping up really bad. I didn't really have any breaks in between so I didn't think they were contractions. I also wasn't having the "wave" like feeling that the Bradley book described as contractions. My stomach never felt like it tightened at the top, it was just constant cramping in the lower half. I thought maybe they were just really bad gas pains, although they felt like extremely bad period cramps. I went to the bathroom again and noticed A LOT of blood. This was about 1:40pm. I called Justin in to investigate (yes, there is nothing this man doesn't know about me or hasn't seen, so, in he comes). I think the amount of blood even startled him. He called back up to Mary Birch and told them what was happening. They said it was a good idea for me to come in, they wanted to make sure my placenta hadn't ruptured (this would be very bad). We gathered up our stuff and headed to the hospital a little after 2pm.
Things started to get real...
None of this happened how I expected. I thought I would start having mild contractions at home, would watch a movie, time then, relax and after 10 hours of this we'd happily head on up to the hospital. WRONG!
We got up to the hospital at about 2:30. By this point the cramping was so bad and lasting so long I could barely talk and I was crying. I would get about a minute break in between the cramping at which point I would try to tell Justin as quickly as I could how I was feeling before I'd start screaming and crying again. We pulled into the little round about at the hospital, Justin parked the car, jumped out and got me a wheel chair. He left the car in the round about, wheeled me in and they immediately took us upstairs. I think they could clearly see this wasn't a joke and I was in a lot of pain. They got me into a room and had me undress so they could see what was going on. Once I stopped screaming I said I had a labor gown down in the car I planned to wear. The nurse looked at me and said, uh, okay, how about you put this one on for now and you can change into the other one when we move you to the delivery room. I'm sure she was thinking, "really, you're worried about your gown at a time like this". Uh yeah, I bought it specifically for this moment. Anyway, the nurse took a look and even she seemed surprised by all of the blood. She checked my cervix and said I was 4cm dilated and they'd be moving me to the delivery room. They were also monitoring my contractions and said they were coming in really fast and not really giving me a break. They'd come about every 1 to 3 minutes and last a minute. Neither one of us had cell service to call our parents and she told Justin not to leave or move the car until they moved us.
By 3/3:15 we were moved into the delivery room. The nurse came in and said they'd be giving me an IV so we could get the epidural started. The dreaded you know from previous blog posts I had been reading the Bradley Method and had absolutely no intentions of getting an epidural. In fact, my birth plan (that never got handed out) said in all capital letters...NO EPIDURAL. Don't even offer one. So, once I was done screaming and crying through the last contraction I told the nurse I didn't want one. Again, she looked at me like I was crazy and why would I want to continue to sit in so much pain. I told her I didn't want it to slow down my labor because I read that's guaranteed to happen. My baby will also have to be removed with forceps or a vacuum because I won't feel the urge to push, and I'll end up with nerve damage. Again, she looked at me like I was nuts and was probably thinking, quit reading crap online. She said, okay, well if you change your mind let us know, and let us know soon. Another contraction came and this one was really awful. I asked her how much longer she thought I'd be in pain like this. She said, there's no telling, it could be an hour, it could be several hours, it all just depends. I asked if I had the epidural if I'd feel any pain at all. She smiled and said no. Well, that decision took about 10 seconds to make. I said, go ahead and send in the anesthesiologist.
He couldn't have come in any sooner. I think I had to wait about 10 minutes for him and it seemed like an eternity. He came in, reassured me everything would be fine and started prepping me for the epidural. I told him I was concerned about the "big ass needle" (yes, my exact words) and the catheter. Long story short he said it would all be fine. As I was waiting for him to get me hooked up I had this to look at...

Apparently they had him put a mask on because it was more sterile that way. Not sure what exactly they were concerned about him breathing in...or out for that matter. Anyway, it was enough to keep me entertained.
As the doctor was administering the drugs I felt my feet go completely numb. I asked if that was normal and he said yes, that eventually my legs would feel numb. I immediately started regretting the epidural, but soon enough I couldn't feel the contractions and I wanted to take the whole machine home with me. Once the doctor finished he said "there, the big ass needle has been removed". I loved he threw in a little humor there.
Once I was situated the nurse checked me again and said I was now 6cm dilated and they would break my water if I wanted them to. I asked what the benefits were and they said it just moves things along. I decided I wanted things to move forward so go ahead and burst those bags. Justin ran down and moved the car and brought our stuff in. Within a matter of 10 minutes the doctor came in, broke my water, checked me again and I was already 9 1/2 cm dilated. We started calling the parents. My mom and Steve were already on there way down. I had told her ahead of time that I was going to get checked out at the hospital because I was bleeding so much but to not do anything until she heard back. Well, they took that as, we should go just in case. So when I called them they were only an hour and a half away from San Diego. I called my dad to tell him I was in labor and 9 1/2 cm dilated and his response was "oh shit, really". I laughed and said yes, are you in the middle of something. He said they were at Pets Mart and would head home and be on there way. Now, had I not had the epidural there is no way I would've been able to talk to anybody on the phone. But after the epidural this is how I felt...

Justin called his dad, who immediately started asking 20 questions. They hung up and Justin called his grandma. Literally, 90 seconds after hanging up with his dad and she had already heard the news. I got to talk to her for a quick minute and then had to go because they came in to say I'd be pushing in 15 minutes so I needed to get situated.

This meant I would start pushing at 5pm. I was extremely nervous, scared and excited. I had no idea what to expect and I was numb from the waste down so I was worried I wouldn't feel the urge to push or I wouldn't push hard enough. The nurse came back at 5 and I told her I hadn't felt any type of urge to push. She said she would check back in 15 minutes. Within that 15 minutes I knew what she was talking about, I had felt the urge. But it was more like the urge to go poop (very lady like right?) Anyway, at 5:15 we started pushing. It was one of the most exhausting things I'd ever done. The nurse had me push for 10 second increments three times. I'd take a break and then do it all again when another contraction came, which seemed like it was every minute or so. Thankfully for our viewers, Justin got a picture of me pushing...

After pushing for about 30 minutes my doctor came in. She said I wasn't stretching quick enough and she'd try to stretch things out, but she may need to give me an episiotomy. NO NOT THE DREADED EPISIOTOMY. After 20 minutes or so of her trying to stretch me she said I had torn a little bit on the inside and they'd need to make a small cut on the outside. Once they did this the baby should come right out.
Lucky for me I had the epidural so I didn't feel anything anyway. She made the cut and two pushes later he was wiggling out. I pushed for 56 minutes. They cleaned him off and immediately handed to me so we could have our skin on skin time. If was a very emotional and overwhelming experience and moment. I can't believe how quickly it all flew by. I'm thankful for the epidural because I was able to "enjoy" the experience. Had I not had it I think I would have passed out from pain. This experience just goes to show you that nothing goes "as planned". I never thought I'd be a "speedy" deliverer. I thought I'd have the agonizing 20 hour labor experience.

Emmett William Gill was born on July 7, 2013 (7/7/13 - Justin says these are lucky numbers for him) at 6:11pm. He weighted 6.58 ounces and measured 20 inches long.

We stayed at the hospital for two nights. Those will be a separate blog post, if I ever get the time to write them. Emmett is currently sleeping so I was able to steal a few minutes to write this post.

This photo was taken right before we went home.

This photo was taken on July 8th.

4th of July Weekend!

For 4th of July Justin and I decided to just spend it with each other. We didn't make any real plans and I shut off my phone.
We slept in kind of late and eventually made our way over to Project Pie, a pizza place in Hillcrest. That's the first time we'd been there and my oh my it was delicious. We came back to our place, hung out by the pool for a bit and then just took it easy. We didn't see any fireworks, but we were both content with that.
Friday, July 5th, Justin had to work. I hung out around the apartment until he was off. I honestly can't remember exactly what we did on this day. I had notes in my phone but they all got deleted :/ Needless to say, it wasn't anything exciting.
Saturday, July 6th we went to Rubicon for lunch. Rubicon is a sandwich place in Pacific Beach. We've been told by several people that we have to try it out, so we finally did. Another delicious place. Saturday night we went to the La Jolla Strip Club (no, it's not an actual strip club, it's a steak house) to watch the UFC fight. Anderson Silva was fighting Chris Weidman. Justin and I both really enjoy watching the UFC fights, and we really wanted to see Anderson Silva lose. He's been undefeated for 7 years I believe, but he's such a cocky and arrogant fighter. Well, we got what we hoped for. As he was taunting Chris Weidman, he got knocked out. After sharing some awful appetizers and watching the fight we headed home. Justin had asked me if he could have a couple beers or if he thought I was going to go into labor. Funny question right, because I can predict when that's going to happen. By this point I was so frustrated with being pregnant and thought he was going to come late that I said, "you could probably drink a whole thing of whiskey until you passed out. I don't think I'm going into labor any time soon and I'm frustrated that I'm still pregnant so I'm going to bed". That was at 3am.
Sunday morning, July 7th...things started happening...this was D Day (delivery day)...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Plugging along...

I've been in full nesting mode. I think Justin's ready to send me away it's getting so bad. I had the carpets cleaned, got touch up paint from our apartment complex and have been a cleaning maniac. The good news is our place practically looks brand new again. It's nice and clean and I feel well organized. Of course I keep finding more things to do. I've had this sudden burst of energy so I've been going and going and going (like the energizer bunny). The only problem is I'm still not sleeping too well. I toss and turn all night long. I feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever. I know that's not possible, but that's how it currently feels.

Yesterday I participated in the second portion of the clinical trials for Sense4Baby (a fetal heart rate monitor). This is the company I did the photoshoot for the commercial product (it has not yet been released). I'm very familiar with this company as the product was originally created where I work. They have since branched off and are working on launching the product for commercial use.
My picture is currently on the quick start guides. During the trial I had six people in the room watching me operate the device. A bit weird, but it went well. I also got to take one of the devices home so I can monitor his heart rate and my contractions any time I want. No harm can be done to the baby using the device. It's perfectly safe. In fact, it's no different than how they would monitor it at the hospital, this device is just easier to use and portable! Pretty awesome right? It's meant for high risk pregnancies, but since it's still in the trial period I get to use it.

Using the Sense4Baby Device
It tells me the baby's heart rate, my heart rate and monitors my contractions (if I was having them)

WARNING...the next part is a bit TMI but I'm noting it for myself for future reference. So, if you feel inclined to read it, proceed with caution. You may be grossed out, but I warned you.

Yesterday I lost my mucus plug (such a gross name, but hey that's what they call it). I thought maybe this meant things would get moving, but nope, from what I read it's no indication that labor is going to start any time soon, it just means I'm that much closer. Well duh, my due date is 9 days away, of course I'm closer.

Meanwhile I'm just keeping busy. I went on a walk this morning. For lunch Justin and I went to lunch at a place called Sloppy's. It might be the best burrito type place I've ever been too. Everything is organic, fresh, and their meat is all free range. We've been there twice in the last week.

I also found a pediatrician for the baby today. At my appointment on Monday the doctor said it's hard to find people to perform circumcisions nowadays. Apparently they are costly for the hospital so not everyone does them anymore. She gave me the name of a couple doctors she knows that still do it. Fortunately one of them is taking new patients so once he's born we just have to make the appointment.

Well, that's all I've got for now.

Monday, July 1, 2013

My Day with Danielle

For about a month or more Danielle and I have been planning to get together at the end of June. Well, that day finally came. Danielle took the train down on Saturday to hang out with me for the day. We had such a great time. I can't remember the last time just the two of us got to hang out and get some quality time in. The whole day was very relaxed. It was so nice not having an agenda.
I picked her up at noon from Solana Beach train station. We came back to my place and chit chatted for a bit. We eventually made our way over to Crossroads Deli (the sandwich place by our apartment Justin and I frequent). After we ate we went down to the pool for a couple hours where we chatted some more, sipped on iced tea from Teavana and soaked up the sun. It was so incredibly peaceful.
We ended our day with homemade popcorn and Le Miserables. Danielle had already seen it but said she enjoyed it so much we could watch it again. It was a long movie, but well worth it.
Sadly our day came to a close. Justin and I took her back to the train for a 9:41pm departure. I wish we lived closer, but it's nice that we are just a train ride away.

Friday, June 28, 2013

38 Weeks!

Getting closer!! I haven't been feeling too hot these past couple days. I can't help but wonder if this means I'll be going into labor some time very soon.
Max, Justin's good friend, was in San Diego yesterday. He and Justin played disc golf once Justin got home from work and the three of us went to dinner at Seasons 52. It's been nice having all these visitors lately.

How our baby is growing:

Your baby has really plumped up. He weighs about 6.8 pounds and he is over 19 1/2 inches long (about the size of a leek). He has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold his hand for the first time! His organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.
Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If he's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If he's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time he's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after he's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Visit with mom!

These past few days flew by. Mom came down around noon on Thursday. She met me at the nail salon where I was getting a pedicure (getting ready for D-day). Once I finished up we headed over to Seasons 52 for lunch. We just love the fish tacos there. By the time we were done with lunch it was late afternoon and we were both exhausted so we went back to my apartment and took a little nap. We hung out at my place with Justin the rest of the evening. I made meatloaf for dinner and we just relaxed and watched T.V. We needed a relaxing day to kick off the next few days. Mom left our place around 10 to head to her hotel to check in. Unfortunately we don't have room for overnight guests anymore so she stayed at a hotel in hotel circle, about 10 miles from our place.

Friday morning I met her at her hotel. We had breakfast at Corner Bakery in Mission Valley. She had never been to a Corner Bakery, so it was something new for her. After breakfast we went to Target and Bed Bath and Beyond so I could grab some last minute things and return some things as well. Once we got the errands out of the way we headed over to the Mission Valley mall where we spent a better part of our time inside Macys. We finished up shopping at a decent time and went over to Croutons in UTC for lunch. After lunch we stopped at the grocery store and then headed back to my place to meet Justin so we could go to the beach.
We got to Pacific Beach around 5. Justin went body surfing while I read my "What To Expect When You're Expecting" book and mom worked on her blanket she's been crocheting for our baby boy.



After the beach we went back to our apartment and Justin made us dinner. That night I went back to the hotel and stayed with my mom. I would've stayed there every night but the bed really bothered my back, so I only made it through one night.

Saturday we had breakfast at her hotel. I had brought stuff to make us oatmeal. We then headed over to Fashion Valley Mall where we spent a better part of the day. It was so nice just to get out and walk around. While at the mall we stopped in at my favorite tea shop, Teavana. They were having a sale so we stocked up on some of our favorite tea so we could make it at home. Genius!! After we finished up at Fashion Valley we headed over to the UTC mall where we had lunch at Tender Greens. After filling up on delicious salads and tomato basil soup, we went over to Babie's R' Us to get some last minute items for the little guy. By this time we were wiped out so we went back to my place for dinner.

Sunday was our last full day together and we wanted it to be relaxing. After all, we did hit three malls in a matter of two days. Mom came over around 10am and we made breakfast. She helped me organize the little nursery area so it's more functional. We eventually made our way out to the pool where we sipped on our tea we got from the day before and read and crocheted (I read, she crocheted).



After being at the pool for a while Justin was ready to do his bike ride on the silver strand. He starts in downtown San Diego and ends in Coronado. I usually drop him off and then pick him up. So, that's just what we did. We dropped him off in downtown San Diego and my mom and I went over to DSW (the best shoe place) to find some flat shoes. I figure my high heel days may be over for a little bit. After DSW we drove over to Coronado to meet Justin. It was such a lovely day and the weather was wonderful. We decided to grab drinks and sit outside at the Hotel Del to enjoy the view.

After leaving the Hotel Del we dropped Justin off at the Mad House Comedy Club so he could watch some of his friends perform. While he was there my mom and I had dinner at Filippis (my favorite Italian restaurant). We had a problem finding someone to take a good picture, so this is what we ended up with. It's hard to see the background details of the place.

After dinner we picked up Justin, drove back to our place, and mom headed back to her hotel.

Monday was our last morning together. I had a doctor's appointment that morning, so I went there first and then met her at her hotel. The doctor's visit was completely uneventful. The doc was in and out of the room in 3 minutes (literally).
Once mom was packed up we went over to Corner Bakery for breakfast. It seemed fitting since that was the place we had breakfast our first morning together.

After finishing up breakfast we went to Fashion Valley so she could pick up some lotion she had on hold at Bath and Body Works. Of course we couldn't just go to Bath and Body Works. We also stopped in at Macys (can you tell we kind of like that place). Mom had to get on the road so we quickly finished up at the mall, I took her back to her hotel so she could get her car and then she followed me to Sharp Mary Birch where I'll be having the baby. She wanted to see where exactly the place was so it will be easier to find when it's show time.

Those four days flew by. I am so grateful I was able to have that time with my mom before everything changes. I am also so blessed to have such a wonderful and caring mom. We always have so much fun and get along so well together. I love you mama.

37 Weeks!

My first week off work has been going by fast. I've been able to rest but I've kept busy as well doing last minute things for our baby boy. My mom is down visiting from Thursday until Monday. We don't have any plans except to get some quality one-on-one time together.

How our baby is growing:

Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb.

Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (about the size of a bunch of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.

I think we've finally settled on a name, but of course nothing is definite until he pops out. For his middle name we've decided to go with William and I do believe that won't be changing.