Monday, July 1, 2013

My Day with Danielle

For about a month or more Danielle and I have been planning to get together at the end of June. Well, that day finally came. Danielle took the train down on Saturday to hang out with me for the day. We had such a great time. I can't remember the last time just the two of us got to hang out and get some quality time in. The whole day was very relaxed. It was so nice not having an agenda.
I picked her up at noon from Solana Beach train station. We came back to my place and chit chatted for a bit. We eventually made our way over to Crossroads Deli (the sandwich place by our apartment Justin and I frequent). After we ate we went down to the pool for a couple hours where we chatted some more, sipped on iced tea from Teavana and soaked up the sun. It was so incredibly peaceful.
We ended our day with homemade popcorn and Le Miserables. Danielle had already seen it but said she enjoyed it so much we could watch it again. It was a long movie, but well worth it.
Sadly our day came to a close. Justin and I took her back to the train for a 9:41pm departure. I wish we lived closer, but it's nice that we are just a train ride away.

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