Wednesday, July 17, 2013

4th of July Weekend!

For 4th of July Justin and I decided to just spend it with each other. We didn't make any real plans and I shut off my phone.
We slept in kind of late and eventually made our way over to Project Pie, a pizza place in Hillcrest. That's the first time we'd been there and my oh my it was delicious. We came back to our place, hung out by the pool for a bit and then just took it easy. We didn't see any fireworks, but we were both content with that.
Friday, July 5th, Justin had to work. I hung out around the apartment until he was off. I honestly can't remember exactly what we did on this day. I had notes in my phone but they all got deleted :/ Needless to say, it wasn't anything exciting.
Saturday, July 6th we went to Rubicon for lunch. Rubicon is a sandwich place in Pacific Beach. We've been told by several people that we have to try it out, so we finally did. Another delicious place. Saturday night we went to the La Jolla Strip Club (no, it's not an actual strip club, it's a steak house) to watch the UFC fight. Anderson Silva was fighting Chris Weidman. Justin and I both really enjoy watching the UFC fights, and we really wanted to see Anderson Silva lose. He's been undefeated for 7 years I believe, but he's such a cocky and arrogant fighter. Well, we got what we hoped for. As he was taunting Chris Weidman, he got knocked out. After sharing some awful appetizers and watching the fight we headed home. Justin had asked me if he could have a couple beers or if he thought I was going to go into labor. Funny question right, because I can predict when that's going to happen. By this point I was so frustrated with being pregnant and thought he was going to come late that I said, "you could probably drink a whole thing of whiskey until you passed out. I don't think I'm going into labor any time soon and I'm frustrated that I'm still pregnant so I'm going to bed". That was at 3am.
Sunday morning, July 7th...things started happening...this was D Day (delivery day)...

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