Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Plugging along...

I've been in full nesting mode. I think Justin's ready to send me away it's getting so bad. I had the carpets cleaned, got touch up paint from our apartment complex and have been a cleaning maniac. The good news is our place practically looks brand new again. It's nice and clean and I feel well organized. Of course I keep finding more things to do. I've had this sudden burst of energy so I've been going and going and going (like the energizer bunny). The only problem is I'm still not sleeping too well. I toss and turn all night long. I feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever. I know that's not possible, but that's how it currently feels.

Yesterday I participated in the second portion of the clinical trials for Sense4Baby (a fetal heart rate monitor). This is the company I did the photoshoot for the commercial product (it has not yet been released). I'm very familiar with this company as the product was originally created where I work. They have since branched off and are working on launching the product for commercial use.
My picture is currently on the quick start guides. During the trial I had six people in the room watching me operate the device. A bit weird, but it went well. I also got to take one of the devices home so I can monitor his heart rate and my contractions any time I want. No harm can be done to the baby using the device. It's perfectly safe. In fact, it's no different than how they would monitor it at the hospital, this device is just easier to use and portable! Pretty awesome right? It's meant for high risk pregnancies, but since it's still in the trial period I get to use it.

Using the Sense4Baby Device
It tells me the baby's heart rate, my heart rate and monitors my contractions (if I was having them)

WARNING...the next part is a bit TMI but I'm noting it for myself for future reference. So, if you feel inclined to read it, proceed with caution. You may be grossed out, but I warned you.

Yesterday I lost my mucus plug (such a gross name, but hey that's what they call it). I thought maybe this meant things would get moving, but nope, from what I read it's no indication that labor is going to start any time soon, it just means I'm that much closer. Well duh, my due date is 9 days away, of course I'm closer.

Meanwhile I'm just keeping busy. I went on a walk this morning. For lunch Justin and I went to lunch at a place called Sloppy's. It might be the best burrito type place I've ever been too. Everything is organic, fresh, and their meat is all free range. We've been there twice in the last week.

I also found a pediatrician for the baby today. At my appointment on Monday the doctor said it's hard to find people to perform circumcisions nowadays. Apparently they are costly for the hospital so not everyone does them anymore. She gave me the name of a couple doctors she knows that still do it. Fortunately one of them is taking new patients so once he's born we just have to make the appointment.

Well, that's all I've got for now.

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